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Java String substring example

Java String substring example shows how to get a substring from String in Java. The example also shows how to find substring in a string and then get a substring.

How to get a substring from String in Java?

Java String class provides two versions of substring method to get a substring from the String as given below.

This method returns a new string containing the substring starting from the startIndex till the length of the String.

This method returns a string containing the substring starting from the startIndex till endIndex-1. The length of the returned substring is always equal to the endIndex – startIndex.

Consider below given String object.

If you want to extract “string substring example” from the string, you can use the substring method like given below.


We specified only the start index parameter to the substring method. So substring method will return a string containing substring starting from index 5 till string length, which in our case is “Substring Example”.

What if you want to extract “Java” from the String object given above? You need to specify both the start and end index of the String. “Java” starts from index 0 and goes till index 3. Let’s try to extract it using substring method.


Well, the output is not what we had expected. Instead of getting “Java”, we got only “Jav”. That is because, when you use substring method, the start index is inclusive (included in the substring) but the end index is exclusive (not included in the substring). So when we specified index 0 to index 3, substring started from index 0 but ended on index 2, thus giving us only “Jav”. Below given is the correct program.


How to find substring in String in Java?

How do I know from where to start getting the substring if the String content is not known? You need to find substring in string to get the start index and/or end index in that case. You can find substring in string using the indexOf and lastIndexOf methods.

Consider below given string.

How to extract file name from the path? You can search the last index of “/” and start taking a substring from there till the end of the string as given below.


We added 1 to the last index of “/” because we did not want to include “/” in the substring.

Getting StringIndexOutOfBoundsException while getting the substring?

substring method throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in below given cases.

1) If the start index is negative
2) If the start index is greater than the string’s length
3) If the end index is specified and it is greater than the string’s length
4) If the end index is specified and the start index is greater than the end index

For example,


You should always check the start and end index parameters to avoid getting the StringIndexOutOfBoundsException exception.

This example is a part of the String in Java tutorial.

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